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5 things you don't know about prediabetes

Everyone knows about diabetes, its causes, and ways to prevent but very few know about the prediabetic conditions.
What is Prediabetes?
Prediabetic conditions define the period before diabetes, where the blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not as much as they would come under type 2 diabetes.
One of the conditions most people are entirely unaware of. Prediabetes affects more than half a million people each year and can lead to diabetes later in life. Still, if it’s detected early on then, you may not have to worry about developing that condition at all.

5 things you don't know about prediabetes

I’m sure there must be many questions swirling around your head right now, such as what exactly does this mean? What health risks will I face from having prediabetes? That’s why we’re here today- let me tell you everything! The truth is, for some people who tested positive for prediabetic symptoms, they were able to ward off type 2 diabetes by making lifestyle changes like exercising or changing their eating habits even when the diagnosis seemed inevitable because these are the changes that can bring a difference in your body.
It is essential to know and understand the actual difference between diabetic and prediabetic conditions.
Diabetes is people with high blood sugar levels that cannot be controlled through diet or lifestyle changes. People who have prediabetes, a condition characterized by abnormally low insulin production and impaired glucose tolerance, may also develop diabetes if they do not make any healthy life choices such as exercise regularly and eat well-balanced meals at regular intervals throughout the day, manage stress properly, etc.

Fact 1: Prediabetes is super common. Prediabetes is a sneaky condition which, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 90% of patients are unaware they even have it. So when you go out next time, do not count people in groups but randomly pick 9 adults instead, and chances are three of them will be prediabetic. If this statement sounds like something that might affect your loved ones or friends, then encourage those with prediabetes to get tested as soon as possible because early detection can reduce heart disease risks by 83%. Fact 2: Prediabetes is not pre-problem. Prediabetes is a common and often undetected condition. It’s estimated that 3 out of 9 adults have it, but 90% haven’t been diagnosed yet. Luckily, you can prevent or even reverse prediabetes like losing weight when necessary, exercising more regularly – which we know from experience reduces high blood pressure – lowering cholesterol levels with healthy eating habits and medications if needed for glucose control. Fact 3: Prediabetes could be reversible today. Prediabetes can be reversed with a healthy diet, exercise, and weight management. Today you have the best opportunity to change course on prediabetes because it is reversible. But, unfortunately, every day, that window of opportunity closes ever so slightly as your beta-cells are lost due to insulin resistance; tomorrow, there will be no hope for a reversal at all without significant medical intervention or amputation! Fact 4: Prediabetes rarely has any symptoms. Interestingly, you can have a type of diabetes without even knowing it. Prediabetes is often asymptomatic and undetectable to the naked eye or third-party observer. Though there are no clear signs, healthcare providers typically screen for prediabetics around age 45 with simple blood tests that identify if they’re at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes down the line. It would be wise to ask your provider about screening earlier on in life—especially if you’re overweight or suffer from cardiovascular issues like fatty liver disease (or cirrhosis). Fact 5: Carbohydrates aren’t off-limits. Many people believe that all foods containing carbs are bad for you. But some of the food we deem “unhealthy” contain necessary nutrients like carbohydrates! Instead of focusing on whether a carbohydrate is high or low, it’s important to distinguish between wholesome and not-so-wholesome choices. Let’s enjoy beans and limit our jellybeans intake; there’s a vast difference in quality between these two options! Think about what makes up your carb sources – do they provide fiber? Are they rich in vitamins? The more nutrient-dense your diet becomes, the healthier you’ll be down the line as well.
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